Meeting Information
Regular meetings
The Full Council normally meets on the fourth Wednesday of every month (except August and December when there is not meetings). In 2025, the January (meeting will be held on the fifth Wednesday) and May (meeting will be held on the third Wednesday) meetings have been moved to allow time for budgeting/precept setting and to avoid a bank holiday week. Please see image below for full details.
The Amenities Committee meets on the second Wednesday approximately every 2 months. Please see the image below for details.
These meetings will normally take place in Balderton Village Centre starting at 7pm.
Planning Committee meetings are held on the third Monday of each month. If there is only a small number of applications, this business may be moved to a full council agenda to ensure effective us of council resources.
Personnel and Policy Committee meetings are held quarterly. Agendas are published but the majority of these meeting are exempt from public due to the nature of the business.
Who can attend/Participation
All full council and committee meetings are open to the press and public and will start with a public forum usually lasting up to fifteen minutes (longer may be allowed at the chair’s discretion). Residents are encouraged to raise issues during the public forum relating to agenda items or anything else. For full details on public participation at our meetings please see the guidance in the document linked below.
Residents, local organisations, district/county councillors,, the local press and police will be encouraged to attend parish council meetings and bring forward any proposals or comments they may have. All meeting participants, including invited guests will be expected to behave with civility and respect to all other attendees of the meeting.
On occasion it may be necessary for the council or a committee to exclude the public if the confidential nature of the business to be discussed means their presence at the meeting may be prejudicial to the public interest.
Local district and county councillors are invited to full council meetings.